Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh, the agony . . .

Waiting is so hard!  I have been obsessing about our waiver and counting down the days until we receive a response, fearful that instead of counting down the days to the happiest day of my life, I may be counting down the days to the worst.  I have been endlessly browsing immigration forums, analyzing hardship letters, calculating processing times of other cases . . . I have become obsessed, worrying about whether or not my "extreme hardship" is "extreme" enough, wondering how we will manage financially if we are condemned to live the next 7+ years in Peru, remembering all the challenges I faced while in Peru.  My brain is on thought overload.  And I still have 4 months to go (according to my incessant analysis of other recent cases) before I am put out of my misery.  It's torture :-(


  1. I am so sorry for your predicament. I read your story and felt tears come to my eyes. My husband has also been designated as deportable, however the U.S. government cannot obtain the travel documents.

    Currently, we have filed for status of adjustment papers and waivers. The status of adjustment has been denied, but they are still evaluating the waivers. We have been waiting for a determination for almost a year now.

    I just wanted to say that I can sympathize with you and understand what fears and anxieties you are going through. Stay strong and keep speaking out. You are not alone! If you ever need anything, please contact me.

    In solidarity and love,


  2. Thanks for your comment, Beth. I'm sorry to hear that you, too, are having to go through this. I wish you the best and will keep your situation in my prayers.

  3. Hi there, we haven't heard from you in a while and I was wondering how you are doing. I hope you guys are well :)

  4. Thanks so much for thinking of us! We're doing well, just waiting, hoping and praying. I will try to post something new mid-week, we just haven't had anything new happen lately. Thanks again for your well wishes!
